Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Southville gets into the zone

Signs heralding the new 20mph zone for Southville start to go up this week and the scheme comes into effect on 19 May.

Where possible signs are being installed on existing poles. However, at some locations the council will install new posts for the 20mph signs. The council has said it has taken every care to locate new posts in a way that minimises their impact on local residents, but some of these will be located directly outside people's homes.

The council will soon deliver letters to the properties affected by this to inform them why the posts and signs are needed and why they have been located where they have. If people have any concerns over the planned locations for the poles and signs then the council will be wiling to meet people to discuss this, and will seek to relocate the signs if at all possible. However, the council has said in order for the speed limit to be enforceable the signing has to meet regulations. So it may not be possible to relocate a specific sign even if concerns are raised.

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