Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Has the Bedminster Bigmouth been outed?

For some bizarre reason the Bristol Evening Post decided to give a certain ‘Mike Ford’ a column in its paper every Wednesday. For weeks now Mike Ford has raved and ranted about various groups of people with his face obscured. Not happy with offending people on the paper’s comment boards he now does it in print.

Rumours have been on the web for sometime that he may be a pseudonym for Evening Post reporters that wanted to have a bit of fun. But now there are claims he’s a 21 year old ex-student from UWE.

One way or another the joke is wearing a bit thin. It’s about time we saw Mr Ford’s face in his weekly rant column. There’s an online petition asking the Evening Post to come clean about Mike Ford’s identity. To find out more about the latest rumour about Mike Ford and to sign the petition to the Post, click here.


  1. The anonymous blogger demands the we (who ever we are)to know the identity of Mike Ford?

  2. I would advise people to be VERY careful about banding people's names about in relation to me. These rumours are unsubstantiated and a very desperate attempt to discredit me. I know where these rumours came from, and the person who leaked "my" (note the quote marks) name has been played like a fiddle.

    All of this is yet more publicity for me, and proof of how much my TRUTH gets to the hypocrites and scum of Bristol.

    Mike Ford

  3. Nick Bridge - difference is Simply Southville doesn't have a column in the Bristol Evening Post. More than happy for Mike Ford to rant and rave on his own blog and comment boards (who ever he or she is). But dissapointed that the Evening Post let's him hide behind a mask on its pages.

  4. I have kept quiet throughout all of this, because I didn't want to make it worse for Robert by denying it.
    Mainly though, I kept quiet because it was hilarious to see all of these people -that are so very desperate to have a go at me, or to try and make me feel small- look like complete and utter fools, starting badly spelled petitions and foaming at the mouth, creating over 10 accounts on the BEP site just to post the details.

    The best part is, I know EXACTLY where the rumours have come from, I didn't quite set it up, but it was something I could see happening. I know the person who did it, and who he gave the info to. Two quite high-profile people as well. As soon as I have decided the best way to proceed, I will be unleashing the info. Be worried.

    And finally, all of the stuff about people HAVING to know my identity, why? I am Mike Ford from Bedminster. That's all you need to know, and it's a disgrace that you have gotten so angry about what I have written. I have NEVER insulted anybody directly, given out threats or personal details, used aggressive language or direct abuse. I just speak passionately about how I feel and people cannot stand that I expose their hypocrisies- or even worse - they can't stand that I do not agree with their opinion. They purely cannot understand in any way how people do not agree with them.

    In contrast, what I have had back is threats of violence, swearing, and plainly arrogant dismissal.

    At the end of the day, everyone who is against me has proven themselves to be an utter and complete disgrace, ESPECIALLY the people who started the rumours. One wonders why they went to these lengths to try and "expose" me. That's something I will find out....

    Mike Ford

  5. up yours ford. don't believe for a second that your important, and your views are relevant just because you got a little bit of coverage in the evening cancer.

    Your small fry. trust me. your nothing in the grnad scheme of things.

  6. Wow, you sound like a clever bloke and someone I really need the respect of.

  7. Ambassador Londo Mollari30 December 2009 at 11:37

    This is hilarious. You have a petition with a massive 56 signatures (at the moment) collected over the course of a week and seriously expect the paper to listen to you? Can't see it myself.

    Perhaps they will when you reach a significant number - which at this rate will be in several years time, by which time nobody will care (and it appears that only a handful do now) and Mike will have moved on.

  8. Good old Mikey.

    'All of this is yet more publicity for me, and proof of how much my TRUTH gets to the hypocrites and scum of Bristol.'


    'it was hilarious to see all of these people -that are so very desperate to have a go at me, or to try and make me feel small- look like complete and utter fools, starting badly spelled petitions and foaming at the mouth, creating over 10 accounts on the BEP site just to post the details.'

    followed by

    'I have NEVER insulted anybody directly, given out threats or personal details, used aggressive language or direct abuse'

  9. Ford's a knob and everybody knows it.

  10. I wants me bristol back alright my lovers
